Project P17
The role of fatty acid/triglyceride cycling in maintenance of mitochondrial integrity and cellular health, and its contribution to thermogenesis in adipose tissues

Thermogenic futile cycling in brown and beige adipocytes. This figure was created using
© Prof. Martin Klingenspor
Brown adipocytes lacking uncoupling protein 1 recruit a futile fatty acid/triglyceride (FA/TG) cycle for thermogenesis. Futile FA/TG cycling may control intracellular free FA levels, and thereby avert lipotoxicity. We aim to elucidate the role of previously identified key enzymes, and study the mutual relation between the lipid droplet-mitochondria interaction and FA/TG cycling. We will investigate the impact of FA/TG cycling on the cellular lipidome, organelle as well as cellular crosstalk, and energy expenditure.
Project Leader
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Martin Klingenspor
Raum 1.89
Gregor-Mendel-Straße 2
85354 Freising
Chair of Molecular Nutritional Medicine, TUM School of Life Sciences, Technical University of Munich
EKFZ – Else Kröner Fresenius Center for Nutritional Medicine, Technical University of Munich
ZIEL – Institute for Food & Health, Technical University of Munich
© Magdalena Jooss