The CRC/TRR research program is divided into 19 projects, each one focusing on a different aspect within the metabolism of brown adipose tissue. Every partner has its own special field of expertise and is an adept in the use of certain technologies. By combining these abilities, excellent research on the field of brown and beige fat tissue is realised.
Bariatric surgery as a key model to unravel microbiome-based treatment targets modulating adipose tissue thermogenesis
Project Leader: Prof. Dr. Wiebe Fenske

Intestinal metabolites and their impact on thermogenic responses by brown and white adipose tissues
Project Leader: Prof. Dr. Jörg Heeren & Dr. Dorothee Schwinge
Investigating novel endocrine signals of liver - white and brown adipose tissue cross talk in response to cold exposure and feeding cues
Project Leader: Dr. Anastasia Georgiadi & Prof. Dr. Stephan Herzig

ExBat: Effect of acute and chronic exercise on human thermogenic adipose tissue & elucidation of mechanisms
Project Leader: Prof. Dr. Henning Wackerhage & Ana Soriano-Arroquia, PhD
Relevance of endothelial lipoprotein processing for thermogenic adipose tissue plasticity and function
Project Leader: Prof. Dr. Jörg Heeren

Interactions of endothelium and adipocytes during thermogenic adaptation
Project Leader: Prof. Dr. Alexander Pfeifer & Prof. Dr. Kerstin Wilhelm-Jüngling
Regulation of energy metabolism in brown fat through lipid uptake and lipid processing in adipose tissue macrophages
Project Leader: Dr. Lidia Bosurgi & Dr. Anna Worthmann

Metabolic regulation through the aryl hydrocarbon receptor repressor (AhRR) via immune cell/adipocyte interactions
Project Leader: Prof. Dr. Irmgard Förster
Paracrine fibroblast growth factors as metabolic messengers between adipose tissue cells
Project Leader: Dr. Tobias Fromme

Regulation and adaptation of G-protein coupled receptors/adenylyl cyclase/cAMP signaling networks in brown/beige AT
Project Leader: Prof. Dr. Alexander Pfeifer & Prof. Dr. Dagmar Wachten
Purinergic crosstalk in thermogenic fat – Regulation of adenosine release by ENT1
Project Leader: Prof. Dr. Alexander Pfeifer

The role of ACTH and glucocorticoid signaling in brown fat metabolism
Project Leader: Prof. Dr. Henriette Uhlenhaut & Prof. Dr. Yongguo Li
The role of ChREBP-dependent de novo lipogenesis in metabolic and thermogenic activities of brown and white adipose tissue
Project Leader: Dr. Ludger Scheja

Molecular role of the mitochondrial unfolded protein response in white and brown adipose tissue for whole body glucose homeostasis
Project Leader: Prof. Dr. Martin Klingenspor & Dr. Eva Rath
Impact of mitochondrial lipogenesis on thermogenic function and inter-organelle crosstalk of brown adipocytes
Project Leader: Dr. Dr. Christian Schlein

Proteomic analysis of brown adipocyte organelle dynamics and contact site formation
Project Leader: Dr. Natalie Krahmer
The role of fatty acid/triglyceride cycling in maintenance of mitochondrial integrity and cellular health, and its contribution to thermogenesis in adipose tissues
Project Leader: Prof. Dr. Martin Klingenspor

Computational Biology Unit
Project Leader: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jan Hasenauer
Functional Proteomics and Metabolomics Unit
Project Leader: Prof. Dr. Felix Meissner, Dr. Kenneth Dyar & Prof. Dr. Alexander Pfeifer

Module Integrated Research Training Group
Project Leader: Prof. Dr. Klingenspor, Dr. Worthmann & Prof. Dr. Fenske
A structured interdisciplinary training program will provide highly specialized and targeted training in the research area of the CRC/TRR333. Doctoral researchers will be prepared to face the overarching demand of ‘BATenergy research’ skills. In addition, local graduate schools will provide key skill training opportunities and career development coaching. Valuing networking, collaborative research, scientific exchange and internationalization will foster self-confidence of young scientists and lay grounds for a successful scientific career.
Service Projects
Integrated Research Training Group
Prof. Dr. med. Alexander Pfeifer
Universitätsklinikum Bonn
Institut für Pharmakologie & Toxikologie
Venusberg-Campus 1 53127 Bonn
Dr. Stephan Altmann
Institut für Pharmakologie & Toxikologie
Venusberg-Campus 1 53127 Bonn