TRR 333 BATenergy News Center

October 2024

Female Leadership Workshop in Bonn

On October 17th - 18th, five female members of all three sites met in Bonn to attend the Workshop ‘Female Leaders in Science’. This career course focussed on establishing authority, improving networks and building team skills by allowing for sharing of experiences, common issues and ways to address them. A small group, two trainers and the absence of digital learn technologies created a special and intense atmosphere that facilitated deeper and constructive discussions.

© Irene Nagel
© Irene Nagel

September 2024

Retreat in Tutzing at Lake Starnberg

Our third retreat focussed on the preparation for the second funding proposal and required a quiet place for concentrated and productive discussions. We found it at the Evangelical Academy Tutzing directly located at Lake Starnberg in Bavaria. The small castle offered a big musical hall for presentation of the progress talks and several lounge rooms for gatherings in the evening. The castle park in the style of an English landscape garden with late Roman sarcophagi and fountains was used by members not only to sunbath, but also to present their work at the poster session on the final day. Despite the full program, there was time for a short walk at the lake and even for a jump in the water by some brave participants.

© Alexander Bartelt
© Danli Ran
© Danli Ran

May 2024

The Role of Brown Fat in WDR Podcast Series 'Quarks' explained

A recent podcast series by the WDR takes a look at the hype regarding semaglutid injections and asks researchers of P10 how brown fat could help instead. The contribution is part of the series 'Gärten und Balkone gestalten - Tiere unterstützen Therapie - DNA' from 27.05.2024 (in German, starts at 00:38:05) and can be found in the WDR media center:

Presentation of the Consortium at the 22nd BONFOR-Symposium in Bonn

Prof. Wilhelm-Jüngling (left) and Dr. Stephan Altmann (right) in front of the TRR 333 BATenergy Poster © Hannah Tawrowski

On May 13th 2024, the 22nd BONFOR symposium took place at the UKB campus in Bonn and provided a platform for young scientists to present their work in the field of medical research. The program included scientific talks, a poster session and networking opportunities in the framework of a Doctoral Promotion Fair, where medical students interested in research could get in contact with various work groups. The TRR 333 used this chance to present its work to the students and the possibility to become a part of it. For additional information regarding the symposium please follow the link:

April 2024

New Insights into Regulation of Brown Adipose Tissue in Nature Metabolism published

The team of project P10 in collaboration with danish researchers has found a protein regulating the activity of brown adipose tissue. Check out the press release (in German) by Uni Bonn for further information about the study and the publication:

January 2024

Interview about the Role of Brown Fat in WDR Series 'Hier und heute'

Prof. Dr. Dagmar Wachten, principal investigator of project P10, gave an explanation about the role of brown fat and how its activation can help to reduce body weight in the WDR series 'Hier und heute'. The interview and a relating article (both in German) can be found in the WDR media center:

July 2023

ERC Starting Grant for our TRR 333 Project Leader Prof. Yongguo Li!

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© Yongguo Li

Congratulations to Prof. Yongguo Li! He received an ERC Starting Grant for his research in lipid metabolism. This award provides funding in the amount of 1.5 Mio € that allows Prof. Li and his team to further unravel the regulation of brown fat metabolism in his project 'BATOFF'.

June 2023

Impressions from our first BATenergy Conference in Hamburg

BATenergy Kongress Teilnehmer:innen
Participants © Birgit Henkel
Podiumsrunde Editoren + Förderer
Podium Discussion with Editors (Dr. Isabella Samuelson and Dr. Patrick Schaefer, outer seats) and Funding Agencies (Dr. Georg Munz and Dr. Veronica Caraffini, inner seats) © Birgit Henkel
Preisträger:innen auf dem Boot
'Rising Stars' Awardees 2023 (from left to right: Hildigunnur Hermannsdóttir, Yuanyuan Wang, Dr. Ioannis Evangelakos, Vasiliki Karagiannakou) © Birgit Henkel

New TRR 333 BATenergy Publication

Singh P, Gollapalli K, Mangiola S, Schranner D, Yusuf MA, Chamoli M, Shi SL, Lopes Bastos B, Nair T, Riermeier A, Vayndorf EM, Wu JZ, Nilakhe A, Nguyen CQ, Muir M, Kiflezghi MG, Foulger A, Junker A, Devine J, Sharan K, Chinta SJ, Rajput S, Rane A, Baumert P, Schönfelder M, Iavarone F, di Lorenzo G, Kumari S, Gupta A, Sarkar R, Khyriem C, Chawla AS, Sharma A, Sarper N, Chattopadhyay N, Biswal BK, Settembre C, Nagarajan P, Targoff KL, Picard M, Gupta S, Velagapudi V, Papenfuss AT, Kaya A, Ferreira MG, Kennedy BK, Andersen JK, Lithgow GJ, Ali AM, Mukhopadhyay A, Palotie A, Kastenmüller G, Kaeberlein M, Wackerhage H, Pal B, Yadav VK. Taurine deficiency as a driver of aging. Science. 2023 Jun 9;380(6649):eabn9257. doi: 10.1126/science.abn9257. Epub 2023 Jun 9. PMID: 37289866.

February 2023

ERC Consolidator Grant for our TRR 333 Project Leader Prof. Henriette Uhlenhaut!


Prof. Dr. Henriette Uhlenhaut has received an ERC Consolidator Grant for her research. The project “GRACE” is funded with around 2 million euros.  

August 2022

New TRR 333 BATenergy Publication


Sieckmann K, Winnerling N, Huebecker M, Leyendecker P, Ribeiro D, Gnad T, Pfeifer A, Wachten D, Hansen JN. AdipoQ - a simple, open-source software to quantify adipocyte morphology and function in tissues and in vitro. Mol Biol Cell. 2022 Aug 10;mbcE21110592. doi: 10.1091/mbc.E21-11-0592. Online ahead of print.

New TRR 333 BATenergy Publication


Khani S, Topel H, Josephrajan A, Larsen BD, de Almeida Tavanez AR, Gaudry MJ, Leyendecker P, Stanic N, Gaziano I, Hansmeier NR, Schmidt E, Klemm P, Vagliano LM, Engelhard CA, Nielsen S, Jespersen NZ, Rehimi R, Gohlke S, Frommolt P, Gnad T, Rada-Iglesias A, Pradas-Juni M, Schulz TJ, Wunderlich FT, Pfeifer A, Jastroch M, Wachten D, Kornfeld JW. Cold-induced expression of a truncated Adenylyl Cyclase 3 acts as rheostat to brown fat function. bioRxiv 2022.08.01.502156; doi:

Juli 2022

New TRR 333 BATenergy Publication


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© Michelle Y. Jaeckstein and Jörg Heeren, University Medical Center, Hamburg-Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany

Brown adipose tissue (BAT) dissipates energy and promotes cardio-metabolic health. In this publication, Nieman et al identifiy inosine as novel tissue-messenger in brown fat (BAT). They show that treatment of mice with inosine increased BAT-dependent energy expenditure and induced “browning” of white adipose tissue. This work was performed in close collaboration of projects P5, P10, P11, P15 and P16 of the CRC/TRR333 BATenergy.

Niemann, B., Haufs-Brusberg, S., Puetz, L. et al. Apoptotic brown adipocytes enhance energy expenditure via extracellular inosine. Nature (2022).

New TRR 333 BATenergy Publication


Wiebke Fenske (Project P01) gladly announces the publication of one eminent manuscript with direct relevance for our TRR's mission in the highly respected journal MICROBIOME (IF(2021): 14.65). Importantly, this study represents a joint collaboration involving several members of TRR333: Wiebke Fenske, Thorsten Gnad, Alexander Pfeifer, Joerg Heeren.

Münzker J, Haase N, Till A, Sucher R, Haange SB, Nemetschke L, Gnad T, Jäger E, Chen J, Riede SJ, Chakaroun R, Massier L, Kovacs P, Ost M, Rolle-Kampczyk U, Jehmlich N, Weiner J, Heiker JT, Klöting N, Seeger G, Morawski M, Keitel V, Pfeifer A, von Bergen M, Heeren J, Krügel U, Fenske WK. Functional changes of the gastric bypass microbiota reactivate thermogenic adipose tissue and systemic glucose control via intestinal FXR-TGR5 crosstalk in diet-induced obesity. Microbiome. 2022 Jun 24;10(1):96. doi: 10.1186/s40168-022-01264-5. PMID: 35739571; PMCID: PMC9229785.

April 2022

New TRR 333 BATenergy Publication


Oeckl J, Janovska P, Adamcova K, Bardova K, Brunner S, Dieckmann S, Ecker J, Fromme T, Funda J, Gantert T, Giansanti P, Hidrobo MS, Kuda O, Kuster B, Li Y, Pohl R, Schmitt S, Schweizer S, Zischka H, Zouhar P, Kopecky J, Klingenspor M. Loss of UCP1 function augments recruitment of futile lipid cycling for thermogenesis in murine brown fat. Mol Metab. 2022 Apr 22:101499. doi: 10.1016/j.molmet.2022.101499. Online ahead of print. PMID: 35470094

March 2022

New TRR 333 BATenergy Publication


Thiemann E, Schwaerzer GK, Evangelakos I, Fuh MM, Jaeckstein MY, Behrens J, Nilsson SK, Kumari M, Scheja LPfeifer AHeeren J, Heine M. Role of Endothelial Cell Lipoprotein Lipase for Brown Adipose Tissue Lipid and Glucose Handling. Front Physiol. 2022 Mar 29;13:859671. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2022.859671. eCollection 2022. PMID: 35422714

New TRR 333 BATenergy Publication


Copperi F, Schleis I, Roumain M, Muccioli GG, Casola S, Klingenspor MPfeifer A, Gnad T. EBI2 is a negative modulator of brown adipose tissue energy expenditure in mice and human brown adipocytes. Commun Biol.
2022 Mar 29;5(1):280. doi: 10.1038/s42003-022-03201-6. PMID: 35351968

ERC Consolidator Grant for our TRR 333 Project Leader Prof. Felix Meißner!


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© Prof. Felix Meissner

Prof. Dr. Felix Meißner has now received an European Research Council (ERC) Consolidator Grant for his research. The project “FIREALARM” is funded with around 2 million euros.

February 2022

New TRR 333 BATenergy Publication


Li YFromme T. Uncoupling Protein 1 Does Not Produce Heat without Activation. Int J Mol Sci. 2022 Feb 22;23(5):2406. doi: 10.3390/ijms23052406. PMID: 35269549 

New TRR 333 BATenergy Publication


Rohde JK, Fuh MM, Evangelakos I, Pauly MJ, Schaltenberg N, Siracusa F, Gagliani N, Tödter K, Heeren JWorthmann A. A Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry-Based Method for the Quantification of Short Chain Fatty Acids. Metabolites. 2022 Feb 11;12(2):170. doi: 10.3390/metabo12020170. PMID: 35208244

New TRR 333 BATenergy Publication


Dieckmann S, Strohmeyer A, Willershäuser M, Maurer SF, Wurst W, Marschall S, de Angelis MH, Kühn R, Worthmann A, Fuh MM, Heeren J, Köhler N, Pauling JK, Klingenspor M. Susceptibility to diet-induced obesity at thermoneutral conditions is independent of UCP1. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 2022 Feb 1;322(2):E85-E100. doi: 10.1152/ajpendo.00278.2021. Epub 2021 Dec 20.PMID: 34927460

January 2022

New TRR 333 BATenergy Publication

Heine M, Corban C, Heeren J. Methods Mol Biol. Metabolic Turnover Studies to Quantify Energy Uptake by Thermogenic Adipose Tissues of Mice. 2022;2448:107-118. doi: 10.1007/978-1-0716-2087-8_7. PMID: 35167093

December 2021

Professor Emeritus Jean Himms‐Hagen passed away


Professor Emeritus Jean Himms‐Hagen passed away on December 1, 2021. Jean will be fondly remembered by many for her foundational contributions to research on brown adipose tissue metabolism and physiology, and for her extensive contributions to education, service, and leadership. She was a long‐standing member of the American Society of Physiology, published extensively in the American Journal of Physiology: Endocrinology and Metabolism, and served as a reviewer throughout her career and well into her retirement....

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